Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Quick Hi

Just a quick hail up before I head out to my study routine. Things have been really hectic. They are going pretty good though. Classes have finished and my exams will be over on the 5th of May. Otherwise it has been busy busy busy. I have changed desks again so I am now in the learning curve. I am doing a totally new desk. Have to change my professional gears again but will get use to it. Will fill you in on that later. The home compi is messing with me so I am looking about building a new one. Money is tight so I will probably not be able to do what I want but I will play with what I can afford. I have already bought the motherboard but it is a P4 so I will need to change power supply. The current one is a Duron so didn't need the extra pins. The processor is on the way from the US but I can't buy the memory just yet. The power supply will be the last thing to come but it is probably the cheapest of the parts. I am yet to get a quote on memory so we'll see. Hard drives DVD and CD burner will be what is in the machine now and the case will be the same. Treating this as an upgrade rather than a replacement. Don't have the time to devote to this right now so I have been doing this over the last month or so. One piece at a time. Will finish by July :) Anyways I hope you are all well. See you on 6th May.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Well yuh know yuh gone bad when yuh caan remember what de baxide yuh last posted on yuh own blog... :(.. Anyways this is just a hi and bye kinda post. Yeah i'm still alive but under extreme pressure from school. Things aren't going too badly but I cannot even find time to scratch muh head. Let's see now what has happened since I last wrote......Sister P is now PM and things go on as before. The trade unions are rejecting the governments wage offers left right and centre, Government must be crazy with the paultry sums they have been offering. Gov't workers were under a MOU for the past 2 years where no salary increases were granted or requested and now them coming with the same low wage offer crap ....think again. The fight is gonna be long and hard but it cannot be business as usual. I celebrated my 41st birthday on 6th of April......Happy Birthday to me...hehehehehe. I haven't been reading a lot of the blogs but you guys will have to see with me until mid May when I get back my life for 3 weeks or so. Until then...take care of you.........wooooosh!!!!!!!