Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Today's children (and adults) are living in a digital age. They are exposed to so many issues. As a parent how do you protect them? It may be all well and good for you to say that it's only a computer screen and you can't shelter them but this article from Dateline NBC paints a shocking picture of what can happen.
It's quite a few pages long but when I started I went through them all and thought immediately about my own kids one of whom is an internet junkie.
From my own point-of-view, I've met a few people from the cyberspace realm and they have proven to be pretty decent people. If I were living in some other country maybe I would have been a little more apprehensive. Then again we face dangers in everyday life. Is the answer to just simply isolate yourselves away from everybody or everything? In reality, the persons we meet online could have well been met at a friends party. I guess the key to it is that if it doesn't feel right then leave it alone.
Be safe you all.


Unknown said...

I will have to read that article another time. But as for the children, the partents need to instill the right vaules in their children and try to protect them as much as possible. It's totally imposible to isolate them from everything, and isolation would also be dangerous. In all proper guidance is the key.

Campfyah said...

Pretty scary indeed, but we just have to use our own caution with our children.
When my son was younger, I was quite mortified with his internet use, but then I realize, that you just have to do your best to inform them of the dangers lurking out htere in cyberspace and hope they take heed.

CoolDestiny said...

It is very difficult these days to protect what children look at on the internet and you just have to do your best as a parent to ensure that they don't.

Abeni said...

What some parents do is ban some sites i.e put up restrictions and look at their kids chat partners.In Cbean it is not as b ad but it will soon get there so you got to be vigilant

Camille said...

I have NO idea how I would handle it... I have a theory... I have never sought out friendships from online meetups, they always kind of fall into my lap. I think it has to do with self-image... maybe if the self-image of the child is intact and strong, then the temptation to find validation from elsewhere may not be so strong?

I dunno - like I said, just a theory. I am not a parent, so I really can only theorize.

Deelze said...

This so much remind me of my situation the other day with my son....He went online and found a porn site!!

The internet has made it very easy for children to be preyed upon, as well as them finding any and everything they want!!
