Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Hail up

Well I am at this point in life where I have absolutely nothing to blog about this morning. Quite a few of my regular reads are having some crisis or the other and are not their usual verbose selves. That's a part of this whole life cycle thing so we bear with them, lift them in prayer if you are so inclined and just hope that the crisis they face will be for their bettermment. Well I have a meeting with my group later and hopefully we can complete the assignment that we have to do. It is due on Saturday afternoon. It is a short paper but the ground we need to cover is hugh and to condense it covering the salient points is going to be difficult. This is compounded by the fact that the lecturer is an ......I'll behave. He is just full of himself, no lecture notes no real guidance and just lots of hot air. The other classes are getting all the notes and the explanations from their tutors and we got stuck with this ........moron (with a PhD. no less). Anywayz, I gone.


CoolDestiny said...

I'm first!!

Fully know about not having anything to blog about. Writer's block sometimes, and other times, there's so much to write about that you have to wonder.

Have a good day Scratchie.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your lecturer could use a rather high enema Scratch!

Have a good day..hope it doh get too hot. Dr. D.

Jdid said...

had plenty of those types of lecturers so i feel your pain

Yamfoot said...

not everybody with a PhD can teach.

it should be mandatory that all people who goign to lecture, do a course in how to structure the lessons, and techniques/methods to use to promote learning. it's not as easy as it looks.