Thursday, October 28, 2004


Hi All, I'm really late today. I didn't get to office until about 10:30 this morning. I hate moving house. I decided that I had to take care of some of the necessities, so I applied for the electricity meter and the telephone this morning. I found it so interesting, when I applied for my 1st home phone 10 years ago it took me almost 3 years to get a line because JTC at the time had no foresight. How do you build a communty of 100,000 homes and run infrastructure for 10,000. To make it worse, the chairman of developer's company was also the chairman of the JTC (now Cable and Wireless) so you can't say they didn't know. Stupidity abounds I guess. For those three years I had to suffer with a cellular service that was less than adequate and costly. A few years ago, another company, Digicel, came along and serious cellular competition began but eventually most people have cellular service whether one or the other. (The third company is a late non-starter IMHO). This has apparently lead to a declining demand for land lines and home phones. I remarked to wifey the other day that "in all my life I have never seen ads aimed at people asking them to apply for land line service". This has been happening in recent times. This morning the lady at C&W advised that lines are available and that I should have the phone by next Wednesday or so. I heard that people are actually discontinuing their house service in favour of cell service. Quite interesting. C&W are suffering from their own short-sightedness though. They had years of head start on Digi but sat on their laurels and figured that they had it made. Digi achieved their 4 year target after being in business for only 4 months. C&W continued to behave in a monopolistic fashion and, to some extent, still does so. It needs to wake up and sniff the roses. You may have the market cornered now but that market is never guaranteed. You are (and had better be) what your customers demand. Anyway, all being well I should be up and about in blogland by early next week. I have opted not to pay for ISP services until the phone is sorted out so I will lose service in a day or two. Posts may be limited until I get back a line so bear with di I until then nuh. I can do limited stuff from work but that is dependent on workflow and the availability of service here but I will plod on just the same. (BTW MB this isn't a purchase. I can't purchase until I get my other place sold. The one I had rented is up for sale but the asking price is way too high. I am not in a position to pay high dollar simply because the house is in a nice area. I need a balance. I was also told by a birdy that the intended purchaser has pulled out of the deal siting excessive price as well. The owner needs to wheel and come again. Level vibes from I an I.


Anonymous said...

Scratchie, any day that another company offers land line service I am ready to disconnect from tiefing C&W. If I do not make a telephone call, after the GCT is added, it costs about a thousand dollars a month just to look pon de phone in the house. That is why some people are deciding to cut out land service.

Hope you won't be disconnected from blogland for too long. Your words and thoughts make a welcome additon to the Jamdown blogging community. Dr. D.

Anonymous said...

Well, hopefully the move never mash up u back Scratchie, and you right bout C&W and them short-sightedness, they had the infrastructure to do better, but wasted it due to laziness and lack of competition. We'll soon do as Europe does...eliminate land lines for the most part and live via cellphones!
