Friday, May 06, 2005


It's Friday again and I am really thankful for that. This was a rough week not only for me personally but for Jamaica as well.
There was an upsurge in violence that claimed the lives of 3 police officers at least one security guard and a couple of scum. Wish the number of scum eradicated would have been more but that's for a different blog. Haven't heard much from the human rights groups about the police shootings so I guess in their eyes it's just one of those things. Let me leave that alone for now as well.
Well I finished my last exam for this semester. Yeeeeaaahhhhh!!!!!! The exam was rough. I am uncertain about content but the length was awesome. It was the first time at school that I actually finished one exam booklet and started on another. Three hours of solid writing....not an easy task I can tell you. I gave up on the final question simply because I couldn't hold the pen anymore. Hopefully I will have a pass at the end of it all. My grades going in aren't too bad so all appendiges crossed and hoping for the best.
Apparently NWC (National Water Commission) is doing some maintenance work and my area is affected so for the last 2 days I have been getting out of bed and waiting on the water to come back. It kinda puts some stress on me and family to get ready and leave on time so that wifey can drop me and reach to her job on time. She teaches so she starts at 7:30. I start at 8:30 but I kinda don't mind reaching here so early. It gives me a chance to idle about and catch up if necessary. One drawback is that by 3:00 I am beat and ready to shake loose from this place. Almost called it Babylon but I was told not to bite the hand that feeds me.
Work has been kind of hectic. I have a new supervisor and they have placed her there because they can manipulate her. They pass off 40 million things to her and she almost bows and says "yes master, it will be done." Problem is that everything else is suffering. The other critical deadlines aren't going away. As a result we leave her here most evenings trying to play catch up. Unfortunately, her family suffers because I pass her husband and two daughter sitting in the car waiting on her and is not just round the corner she lives. Joke about it is that the ones giving her the assignments are also leaving her here doing it.
Life in all its splendor.
Anyways I just saying "Hi" to you all and I will chat with you over the weekend (assuming of course that I remember to pay my ISP bill so that they can reconnect my service at home...heh heh heh.)
Bye for now.


Jdid said...

congrats on finishing the exams

Anonymous said...

Welcome back my yute.

Since the exams done, you suppose to be able to flex easy dis weekend. Hope you will have H20 to hol a fresh.

Tell the new sup that she must learn to say no. I guess in time she will. Oh how the powers love to be able to use people.

Jus lick a new post. Check it when you get a chance.

Easy. Dr. D.

Abeni said...

Time to pop the champagne..Exams dun! You must be one relieved person.Have a good weekend,remember to treat the wife and mom good for Mother's Day

Desiree said...

Good to ear your exams are done.

3 police officers killed in Ja? That is horrible.

Well, gotta run, have a great weekend!

Camille said...

gratz on the zams, scratchie... some celebration of a sort was in order, I hope.

Those people... those 'bosses'... they are like EVERYwhere man.. good gosh. Was lamenting at a 'team building' meeting yesterday afternoon that I was sooo thankful I got out from under on of them just recently.

Mad Bull said...

Hi Scratchie.
Think about it now... Why speak out about every police killing. Yeah, sure, the policeman's human rights have been trampled, but thats what gunmen and murderers do. Speaking out about them makes no sense, because thye aren't listening and the people who should be able to exercise power over them can't. Its like wasting your breath. Now when the police start to murder people, JFJ speaks out. Why? Because thats not what the police are supposed to do! They are supposed to protect and serve, not murder.
Anyway, I am not on a campaign to convince you really, just offering food for thought.