Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tuesday is here

Good morning people, one and all...wazzup? Well I can now say 1 down and 2 to go. But that's for later.
The weekend was long but pretty good. Despite the solemness of Saturday with the funeral it was a pretty ok time. The funeral started at 10:00a.m with tributes. These took almost an hour and a half. The actual service was another hour and a half or so so we never left Kingston until about 1:45 in the afternoon. It was not a sad affair but rather a rejoicing in the life of.... There was laughter as well as silent tears. You could tell the calibre of the person from the attendees at the service. The drive to Yallas was under police escort and it was long but uneventful. The graveside mirrored the church and considering that there were so many people who travelled to the country spoke again of the person. I did not get back to Kingston until about 6:15.
Sunday was quiet with a bit of studying and then some socializing in the evening. Wifey's family who had come from overseas for the funeral wanted to meet and greet their family who they had not seen or had never met. This took us into late Sunday night. Quite enjoyable and besides it gave wifey an opportunity to interact with her family who are more dispersed than mine so a rare chance indeed.
Yesterday was my first final exam for the semester. It comprised of 20 multiple choice and 5 true/false questions spanning the syllabus and then 5 working out questions to choose 3 each valued at 25 marks. Well I can tell you that the working out questions were fairly straight forward(too easy in fact). I guessed every one of the multiple choice questions and fudged through a couple of the T/F ones. My thing is do what you are sure of 1st then battle with the unknown. Finished the exam an hour before time. Left feeling like I had left out something. The project that we were worried about Ihad mentioned it some time ago as shooting in the dark was a good result as well. considering that we did not get a chance to input all of the required areas and still came out getting above 80 I am more than happy with that. It tells me that we were bang on target for the sections that we had spent the time on.
Ihave one this Friday and the final one for the semester next Thursday so still some work to do. The one on Friday is a research paper so that one is a no brainer. The one next Thursday is going to take some work but....whatever.
Well the smoke seems to have been eliminated (from up by my side anyway.) I haven't been keeping up with the news but then again who cares really. Today is just work work and more work.
Anyways I'm gone. Before I go thanks to all those who left me their wishes for a good exam yesterday.
Later all.


Campfyah said...

In multiple choice, whenin doubt the answer is C

Isn't it funny how it takes a funeral to have a family reunion.

Good luck on your future exams.

Anonymous said...

Scratch...dem tributes sound too long. Personally, I don't think a tribute should go more than 15 minutes, twenty at max.

Do they subtract marks for wrong answers on those MCQs? Man, that was the bummer with some of my final exams in medical school....'till this day I hate MCQs...gimme essay papers now....and then watch me move my pen....(providing I studied and can answer the question asked.)

Glad you are smoke free now...I got a look at it Friday night before crossing the Causeway....don't ask where I was going! Habla Espanol? ;-) Dr. D.

Abeni said...

With funerals you get to meet relatives you haven't seen in a long time or at all.Funerals always demonstrate some community spirit too.I guess in JA,like here a lot of people flock to the rum shops etc after the funeral and drink and chat nuff.

Good luck in the rest exams