Thursday, December 30, 2004


Hi all, I have three words for you this morning; swamped with work. I haven't even been able to do my usual scratching around the place. I've been here from before daylight and I am sure evening will see me here as well. It's expected though. My job calls for a heavy workload at year end so I just need to survive the next 2 weeks or so then I can resume normality. We have many statistical type reports to complete and utilization reports and reports about reports and finally staff appraisals and increments so Excel and I become really good friends just about now. Anyway, just letting you know that I haven't given up the ghost or blog so to speak but just bear with me a bit. Till lata.


Melody said...

More power, Scratchie. Hopefully de next two weeks, though hectic, will be satisfyin'. Nutten more rewardin' than work well done!

Abeni said...

Next yr,take vacation end of year:)

Jdid said...

hang in there man. dont let the year end stress get ta ya